Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Seventh Generation @Seventhgen #generationgood #comeclean

Seventh Generation @Seventhgen #generationgood #comeclean

I hosted a @seventhgen Healthy Baby Home Party because we have the right to know what’s in products we use around our families!

We had a lot of fun and learned a lot about these great products and their benefits. We also learned that cleaning product companies are NOT currently required to list all ingredients on the package because there are no regulations in place.  But if companies don't tell you what's inside their products right on the package, how do you know what you're bringing around your family and into your home?
It's time for companies to #comeclean about the ingredients they use in their products!
Read more and take action at

#comeclean #generationgood

***I received product samples for free in return for me hosting the party and sharing them with my guests.